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The queen who shook the throne of Egypt /Queen Cleopatra and the tragic ending

Cleopatra  the witch queen

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Cleopatra was born in 69 BC, and grew up in a royal house, so she wore the most beautiful fabrics, the finest jewels and pearls, and perfumed the finest oils and perfumes. But despite all the luxury that she experienced in her childhood, she was always anxious and not reassuring, for she knew that she came from a Ptolemaic family that was not without intrigue and intrigue. She even looked with envy at the unsuspecting Alexandrias that she watched as they were carried on her couch passing through the crowded streets of Alexandria.

Although Cleopatra is the second daughter of her father after Bernice, followed by two boys, then her younger and last sister, "Arsinoe", but her family did not know the manifestations of love between brothers and sisters, Cleopatra was with a tender heart capable of love, as she had a mind Rajeh was also a believer in Egyptian deities honestly and sincerely, unlike many Ptolemies, and she used to go in her childhood to the structures of these deities to perform religious rituals like any other Egyptian girl

When pressure increased on her father (the weak king Ptolemy XI, nicknamed the Piper) of his creditors; He fled to Rome as a refugee king, so her sister Bernicke took advantage of this and declared herself Queen of Egypt, and Cleopatra was confused about her issue, even though she did not love her father very much; However, she was loyal to the idea of ​​the monarchy, and she saw that her sister had usurped power by rape, but (because she was wit) she did not show those feelings.

Three years later, a force came from Rome with the king (Piper) and brought him back to rule Egypt, so Bernice fled, and since then the real manifestations of making Egypt a Roman state began, and Ptolemy XI could not change his situation, but rather sought to borrow, and began to evade responsibility More, and his playing the flute got sadder as the days went by. Four years later, and before his death, he wrote his will that Cleopatra and the eldest of the two sons be appointed as co-owners of the king, and he issued an official order that they would marry to satisfy the feelings of the Egyptians.

But the intrigue did not stop between Cleopatra, who is eighteen years old, and her brother, the husband who is eight years her junior. As rumors spread that Cleopatra was an agent of Rome, that she would sell Alexandria to Caesar, that she was corrupt, that she would increase taxes, that she would usurp power from her brother-in-law, and that she wished for his death, and these intrigues did her actions. One day she woke up to the masses besieging her and demanding her to abdicate the throne, so Cleopatra found no escape from fleeing to Syria, and there she gathered an army and returned to Egypt from her eastern entrance


And after a while; Caesar of Rome came to Egypt as an invader, so Cleopatra did not lose the resourcefulness and cunning, after she learned of his weakness in front of the women, so she took advantage of this weakness and reached his residence in a cunning, wondrous and dangerous way, where a navigator came with his boat in front of the palace, and asked the guards to allow him to hand over the wrapped carpet And located on the bottom of the boat, to Caesar as a gift from one of the kings, and when the navigator entered Caesar, he loosened the rug and the charming witch of Egypt came out of her. Caesar's admiration for her increased and he fell in love with her, and supported her in ruling Egypt alongside her brother, the husband. He was not satisfied with her participation in the ruling, as he was not satisfied with the relationship that brought her and Caesar together, so he made plots against her with the help of his younger sister Arsinoe, and the debate continued and ended with the victory of Cleopatra and getting rid of Ptolemy XII and Arsinoe.

And when Caesar was wandering in love with Cleopatra, who was pregnant with him with a child; He declared the independence of the Kingdom of Egypt under its leadership, and did not return to Rome, which summoned him. His heart was attached to the charming queen; She wanted to have a child from him in order to possess him in Rome, so "Caesarion" was that child resulting from that relationship, but he was not a legitimate son in the eyes of Roman law, although the Romans were astonished by the Egyptian queen, or the Egyptian witch as they described her, when she went to Rome In an imaginary parade.

Soon her dream of being Queen of Rome evaporated; When Caesar was killed by one of his followers, and after him, Mark Antony assumed power, who was also interested in her love, and gave up his future in Rome to follow her to Alexandria and enjoy her love, which ended with the birth of two children, and this is what prompted the leaders of Marc Anthony's army, who became angry because of what Cleopatra was gaining from this love to attack Alexandria and defeat them in the Battle of Actium in 30 BC, so they committed suicide together; He is by the sword and she is by the poison.

Cleopatra, the last Ptolemy of Egypt, died a royal death, when Cleopatra died, at the age of thirty-nine, and was buried with Mark Antony in implementation of her will, she died after her love overwhelmed the hearts of the Egyptians. And the leaders of the Romans alike, until historians said about her: “Her magic was finding its way into the souls of men.” Therefore, Rome was afraid of her after she shook her throne twice.

